trbo and Chatchamp at K5: The perfect duo for personalized shopping experiences in e-commerce

We took part in the K5 retail conference. Read our recap, learn more about our experiences and our success in the K5 COMMERCE Awards!
For the kids: Social Day at a local daycare center

We’ve taken on several different social projects over the years. This past April, we spent our latest Social Day helping out at a local daycare center.
trbo’s Marketing team grows – Gail joins as Marketing Manager and Copywriter

We are happy to announce that trbo’s Marketing team keeps growing: Gail Wilcoxen supports us as Marketing Manager and Copywriter.
Spotlight on personalization – our CEO Felix Schirl in the My Data is Better than Yours Podcast

trbo CEO Felix Schirl joins Jonas Rashedi on the My Data is Better than Yours podcast. This episode is all about data and personalization.
New team member at trbo – Valentina Boe starts as Performance Marketing Manager

After the start of Manuel Gruhn as Strategic Account Manager, there is also highly motivated reinforcement in the marketing department. Valentina Boe starts as Performance Marketing Manager. Valentina studied International Tourism Management in Karlsruhe and graduated with a Bachelor’s degree. Afterwards she worked as Social Media & Marketing Manager at UFR GmbH, a gastronomy […]
Neuzugang bei trbo – Valentina Boe startet als Performance Marketing Manager

Nach dem Start von Manuel Gruhn als Strategic Account Manager gibt es auch im Marketing wieder tatkräftige Verstärkung. Valentina Boe startet als Performance Marketing Manager. Valentina hat Internationales Tourismus Management in Karlsruhe studiert und mit dem Bachelor abgeschlossen. Anschließend arbeitete sie als Social Media & Marketing Manager bei der UFR GmbH, einem Gastronomieunternehmen in München. […]
Personalization and Guided Selling join forces

Users’ expectations of a perfect user experience are constantly increasing. Besides individually tailored content, the consultation offered in retail stores is a key success factor for online shops. To continue meeting these demands in the future and to expand the existing product portfolio, trbo has acquired the Guided Selling provider Chatchamp. The perfect match […]
Personalisierung und Guided Selling gehen gemeinsame Wege

Die Ansprüche der User an eine perfekte User Experience werden immer höher. Neben individuell zugeschnittenen Inhalten wird auch die aus dem Einzelhandel gewohnte Beratung im Online-Shop zum entscheidenden Erfolgsfaktor. Um diesen Ansprüchen auch künftig gerecht zu werden und das bestehende Produktportfolio zu erweitern, hat Personalisierungs-Experte trbo den Guided Selling Anbieter Chatchamp übernommen. Das perfekte […]
Support for our Tech team – Leonardo Rifa starts as Senior Fullstack Developer

After the start of Reham Bani Odeh in the HR team, there was also a new addition to the tech team in December: Leonardo Rifa is our new Senior Fullstack Developer. Leonardo studied applied computer science in Berlin. After his studies he worked as a Junior Fullstack Developer and as a Software Engineer at […]
Verstärkung in der Technik – Leonardo Rifa startet als Senior Fullstack Developer

Nach dem Start von Reham Bani Odeh im HR Team gab es auch in der Technik im Dezember einen Neuzugang: Leonardo Rifa ist unser neuer Senior Fullstack Developer. Leonardo hat angewandte Informatik in Berlin studiert. Nach seinem Studium arbeitete er als Junior Fullstack Developer und als Software Ingenieur bei den Firmen Berliner Kaffeerösterei, Laserline und […]