Five questions for … Philipp

Philipp Kastl


Who are the people behind trbo? In our blog series, our employees introduce themselves – and answer five questions about themselves and their work. Today, with our Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Philipp Kastl.

1. How did you hear about trbo and when did you start working?

A while ago, Felix asked me if we wanted to work together again to shake up the world of personalization, and since 2016 we have been doing just that.

2. What is your job at trbo?

My job at trbo is to make sure that there are always fresh features to be released and to keep the mood going at all times with my smart remarks.

3. What would you have said about your current career choice 10 years ago?

“Are you still pulling the same nonsense as before? Please start looking for something serious, you’ll soon be too old for all this”.

4. What do your colleagues do not know about you so far?

I have a world-class sim racing setup in my basement and spend every “free” hour racing around the tracks of this world, even if only from the comfort of my basement and with little success; but it’s the thought that counts.

5. Is there anything you wouldn’t do for all the money in the world?

Small talk and letting my son win at wrestling.

Bonus question: What did you want to be when you grew up?

Hard to believe, but in fact exactly what I do now: assemble and tinker with source code. After elementary school it was already clear to me that I would like to be a programmer when I grow up and that hasn’t changed much since then. However, I wouldn’t have thought that I would choose a coding language like I have…


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