Five questions for… Samuel

Who are the people behind trbo? In our blog series our employees introduce themselves – and answer five questions about themselves and their work. Today with our Team Lead Account Management Samuel Scheurich.

1. How did you hear about trbo and when did you start working?

In the summer of 2018, I was looking for a new challenge professionally. I first became aware of trbo via the online career day and was very interested in the job posting and the company. That is why I applied straight away. 

Then it all progressed very quickly. I had my first meeting only a few days later. Back then it was still in the old, much smaller office. 🙂  I started work in September, already in the current office.

2. What is your job at trbo?

Making our customers happy every day. 🙂 

In more concrete terms, as an account manager I support our clients in personalizing and optimizing their website. In the daily business, I set up different campaigns in close cooperation with my customers and help them evaluate their success. Recently, I was appointed Teamlead Account Management which means that I support my team members in case of questions and problems.

3. What would you have said 10 years ago about your current career choice?

My former self would definitely not have been particularly fond of an office job. I actually wanted to become a professional sportsman and always thought that an office job was something for the bourgeois. At that time, however, I was not aware of the fact that even in everyday life in the office, the interaction among people does not come up short. 

The sporty part of work involves beer pong with my colleagues on Friday nights.

4. What do your colleagues not know about you so far?

That is a tricky question, as I don’t really have any big secrets.

Until a few years ago, I had the quirk that when hanging up laundry, the clips for a garment always had to be in the same color. Back when I shared a flat, my flatmates would sometimes mix up the clothes clips just to annoy me. Fortunately, I was able to get rid of this quirk in the meantime. 🙂  


A small highlight could be my participation in a dance competition in a club to the Soulja Boy song “Crank dat” in my baggy pants youth phase. I believe there is a video of that still floating around on Youtube. In my defense, I wasn’t completely sober then. What I wore there, one would nowadays probably rather wear as a carnival costume. 😉  So at least I’m still well disguised on the Internet.

5. What did you want to be when you grew up?

As a child, I always wanted to become a real estate agent together with my best friend. But that only lasted until elementary school. In fact, I didn’t really know what that was supposed to be either, but it was a cool thing to write in the friendship books. 🙂


For a long time after that, my focus was on becoming a professional basketball player. But since I haven’t really grown since I was probably 14 years old, I had to give up that dream at some point.

Bonus question: What has been the most embarrassing moment in your working life so far?

Given that I am not easily embarrassed, I would say that there have not been too many moments in my working life that have really embarrassed me. 

When I met the trbo family for the first time at the summer party, I probably should have stayed at home as I was still in pain from a bladder infection. For half of the evening I sat in an armchair, almost motionless, because I was in so much pain. I was sure that they must have thought I was a real drag. But that changed relatively fast (at least I think it did) after I started actively working at trbo. 


P.S. A tip from my experience to the male gender: Don’t cycle home wearing wet swimming trunks after a swim in the lake.


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