Pack ma’s! – Our trbo Trachtenfest 2021

The current situation doesn’t exactly make festivities easy. That’s why we were all the more delighted about this year’s summer party – which also had a very special motto: trbo-Trachtenfest! For all our non-Bavarian readers: Tracht is the traditional Bavarian dress of Dirndl (a kind of dress) for women and “Lederhosen” (a special kind of pants) for men. Because if the “real” Oktoberfest can’t take place, we’ll make it a trbo-Oktoberfest. Clearly under the current conditions: The event takes place outdoors and the german “3G rule” applies (vaccinated, recovered, tested).


This year, for once, we didn’t have to earn our food first. As you recall: For our Christmas party in 2019, we first had to prove our teamwork skills and escape from an Escape Room, and last summer we were assigned as undercover investigators to protect the city of Munich from a dangerous hacker attack before we were allowed to fill our bellies with well-deserved food.

Let’s get hearty, aufi gehts!

The trbo-“Trachtenfest” was on the agenda – and as the name suggests: Dirndl and Lederhosen were mandatory! And what could be more fitting than a delicious Bavarian meal in the “Knödelalm?



So, unlike last year, we headed for the Munich factory district in bright sunshine. After months of working from home, we were finally able to reunite with some familiar faces and, above all, get to know new colleagues in person. It’s been a long time since we’ve all been together – due to Covid, only a few colleagues are in the office at the same time. Not easy to get to know all the new colleagues like that!

Such a nice location!

An alpine pasture in the middle of Munich, of course including a beer garden, which we had all to ourselves. Some of us were quite astonished. A real attraction was the walk-in ski gondola and the “Knödellounge”.



The highlight of the evening: “Knödel” at the Knödelalm

After about 1.5 hours, it was time for the first course. In total, we were spoiled with 3 courses: potato truffle soup, duck and “Knödel” (dumplings) or “Spinatknödel” (spinach dumplings) for our veggies and to top it off: three different dessert variations.



At 10 pm, our trbotastic “Trachtenfest” was officially at an end. However, for a few of us it was not over yet, but more will not be revealed here, of course.


All in all, our “Trachtenfest” was a nice and successful evening. Despite vacation time and home office, many old and new trbos made it to our annual summer party, and we are already looking forward to the next on


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