Reasons why marketeers should claim IT Resources

It’s no longer a secret that marketers need to combine data points from different resources to target their audiences. So it stands to reason that collaboration between IT and marketing is essential. In practice, however, things often look quite different. We explain the reasons why IT resources should be used and the reasons why they are not.


Reasons why marketers should claim IT resources


Reason 1: Data can improve customer loyalty in the long term

Marketeers can collect data across all online and social media channels and use it to address their users personally. However, brands and retailers achieve the best results when they do not work in data silos, but link the data together. This enables a 360-degree view of the customer and allows the website to be customized for each individual user. Since data is not always freely available, it often has to be exported and merged in a technically complex way so that it can be used in a meaningful way. This is where IT support is needed.


Reason 2: A well-developed tech stack pays off

For personalization in the web store, a company must know customers more and more precisely. However, this is not possible without complex technology. On the one hand, companies need technologies for data collection, such as customer relationship management systems or customer data platforms. On the other hand, they need systems that combine the data from different technologies to enable marketers to draw meaningful conclusions from it. To fully exploit the MarTech stack, collaboration between IT and marketing professionals is highly recommended.


Reason 3: Continuous optimization of measures for better usability

The less complicated and more pleasant the shopping experience, the more likely users are to return. To achieve this, there are a variety of measures that can be implemented on the website. However, since classic store systems do not offer all the necessary functionalities as a plug-in out of the box, IT skills are often required to implement UX projects. Collaboration between the teams is essential.


Reasons why marketers don’t always need to claim IT resources


Reason 1: Tools are becoming easier to use

Due to high demand, data collection tools are becoming easier to use and even promise marketeers independence from IT. Marketing continues to be a creative work environment where technology has little precedence. While most technologies can’t function completely without IT either, they allow users to learn on their own and get better at using the tool all the time.


Reason 2: Basic technical knowledge and analytical understanding as a prerequisite

The demands placed on marketers have risen significantly in recent years. Although the expectation of creative ideas is still primary, more and more companies are also demanding basic technical and analytical knowledge. A certain independence from IT is thus given, but this does not mean that the two departments should be strictly separated from each other.


Reason 3: Faster project realization due to smaller teams

User interests and needs can change dramatically within a short period of time. Marketers need to be able to react quickly. The smaller a team is, the fewer misunderstandings occur. There are also shorter communication channels, a uniform language and a better understanding of the approach.


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