Recap: Our trbo summer party 2019

trbo Sommerfest

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We should already be known for our good parties – of course a summer party cannot be missing in that list. Last Friday we celebrated the big “trbo Family-Festival”. Besides our meanwhile very large trbo-team-family all partners and children were also invited!
Our summer party started at 4 pm with homemade trboiijtos – of course colored trbo-blue. A short speech by our Managing Director Felix followed – another successful first half of 2019 lies behind us. And then it was time for presents. This year the marketing team came up with something very special: trbo-blue hoodies!

The excitement was big, even though the sweaters didn’t match the weather on Friday evening. After a hot week, the sun had no mercy on us on Friday either – a good 35 °C in the sun.

But who wants to complain about the sun! So we started the barbecue and opened the salad buffet. We had beer tables and a pavilion on our roof terrace to protect us against the sun (and later the rain). We also had a small pool – which not only made our smallest guest, 18-month-old Helena, very happy.

If it got too hot outside, we were able to go inside. It did not take long before the Beer Pong table was set up and the games could begin. While playing and cheering indoors, we continued to chat outside. At some point a table was transformed into a beer pong table and our “tournament” could be played in parallel.

Surprise: Even our dessert was trbo-blue that evening: Beside blue sweets and haribos our dual student Maike served homemade smurf ice cream. The unanimous verdict: Really delicious!

Our trbo family party was a beautiful and great summer evening all around! And: after the party is before the party  – we have already planned the annual Wiesn spectacle and the first preparations for the Christmas party are made. We also want to live up to our reputation as a party crowd 🙂

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