Tag: recommendations

Personalization in Healthcare
Personalization in Healthcare
You're an e-commerce retailer in healthcare? We have some tips for you on how to personalize your webshop...
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Prime Day Power: 5 Tips to personalize your shop like Amazon
Do you know how to improve the personalization on your website? Let's see how Amazon does it!
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The Everyday Impact of Customer Experience: Fashion Industry
Do you know how to improve the customer journey on your website? Let's look at the fashion industry.
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Personalisierter Online Supermarkt
Why retailers in the online food industry should focus on personalization
In e-food retail, personalization is not only wishful thinking. Here are some tips on making your own...
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trbo Best Retail Cases 2022
Time to celebrate! trbo wins a Best Retail Cases award in the category of Retail E-Commerce
Our case “21% conversion rate increase with optimized Google shopping entries” from mydays...
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trbo auf der DMEXCO 2022
We Progress Together - trbo auf der DMEXCO 2022
Wir sind wieder da! Nach fast dreijähriger DMEXCO Pause könnt ihr uns nun endlich wieder in Persona auf...
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Landingpages that Convert Perfekte Produktdetailseite
Landingpages that Convert - Teil 2: Die perfekte Produktdetailseite
Geht es um Kaufabschlüsse, ist die Produktdetailseite der Star. Denn meist fällt hier die Entscheidung,...
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Landingpages that Convert Perfect Product Detail Page
Landing Pages that Convert - Up to 29.8 % Conversion Rate Uplift with the perfect Detail Page
  When it comes to making a purchase, the product detail page is the star. This is where the decision...
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Time for Product Insights: Produktlogiken bei trbo
  Es ist wieder Zeit, Euch einen Einblick in unsere Plattform und ihre Features zu geben. Zuletzt...
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Time for Product Insights: Product logics at trbo
  The time has come again to give you an insight into our platform and its features. Last, we talked...
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Personalization vs. product recommendations - Isn’t it all the same anyway?
Users increasingly expect an individually tailored shopping experience: A full 63% expect personalization...
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Personalisierung vs. Produktempfehlungen – Ist doch eh alles dasselbe?
Ein individuell zugeschnittenes Einkaufserlebnis wird von den Nutzern zunehmend erwartet: Ganze 63% setzen...
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