trbo Insights – Patrick Kaufmann’s Favorite Feature

Favorite Feature

trbo product line is extensive and varied, making it particularly interesting to discover which features our colleagues find most valuable and why. In our previous “Favorite Features” series, we heard from Samuel Scheurich about Tracking and from Minea Hidic about audience-based personalization. Today, we’re excited to feature another favorite, shared by Patrick Kaufmann: Product Recommendation.

Favorite Customer Requests: Which Ones Do You Enjoy Most?

I especially enjoy working on customer inquiries that involve developing tailored solutions for personalized product recommendations. It’s exciting to see how leveraging existing data can improve the user’s shopping experience and directly increase revenue per user.

Top Trbo Features: Which Do You Prefer to Implement and Why?

I have a particular affinity for implementing product recommendations because they allow for a personalized approach, meeting the specific needs of each user. I also appreciate the flexibility this feature offers; it can be integrated as either an overlay or an inlay, and in various formats. Plus, the range of AI-based product logics available enables me to present a versatile selection of products.

Feature Spotlight: Can You Provide an Example and Explain in Detail? 

A great example of product recommendation is the dynamic display of similar or complementary products on product detail pages. For instance, when a user views a camera, accessories like lenses or tripods that others have purchased together can be automatically suggested. This approach allows us to use collected data to present relevant products that are likely to capture the user’s interest, increasing both the shopping cart value and the duration of their visit. 

Optimal Timing: When is Implementation Most Effective in the User Journey?

Product recommendations can be used at several points in the user journey, most notably on the product detail page and in the shopping cart. On the product detail page, it can display similar products to inspire shoppers and increase their basket value through upselling. In the shopping cart, it can suggest matching accessories to cross-sell. You can even shine with relevant product recommendations on the home page, for example, by displaying recently viewed products when the customer returns.

What Advice Would You Give an Online Retailer Looking to Implement This Feature?

Online retailers should begin by thoroughly understanding their target audience and carefully selecting the appropriate product logic. Testing different logics to personalize recommendations is key. It’s important to ensure that the recommendations are genuinely relevant and beneficial to the user. Additionally, experimenting with different placement options on the website can help determine where the recommendations have the most impact.

Industry Insights: Where is Tracking Most Valuable?

Product recommendations are particularly valuable in e-commerce sectors like electronics, fashion, beauty, and home & garden. For example, in a recent project with a shoe retailer, we were able to increase the average order value by 29.8% through targeted product recommendations on the product detail page, with the conversion rate also rising by 19.3%.

Picture of Patrick Kaufmann

Patrick Kaufmann

Senior Client Success Manager

Would you like to get to know our trbo tool and its many applications? We’d be happy to show you how your webshop can benefit from our platform.

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Find even more insights about the trbo tool – in our favorite feature series:

Samuel’s Favorite Feature: Tracking
Minea’s Favorite Feature: Segmentation
Jihad’s Favorite Feature: AI Chatbot

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