We Progress Together – trbo at DMEXCO 2022

We are back! After a break of almost three years at DMEXCO you can finally meet us again in persona at one of the most famous trade fairs. On September 21st and 22nd the DMEXCO will take place in Cologne. And this time under the motto – #WeProgressTogether.

Feeling at home with personalization – trbo at DMEXCO


At the last DMEXCO we brought you closer to the world of personalization and optimization with our Tiki Bar in South American flair. This time we have thought of something very special for you. Instead of Tiki, trbo-DMEXCO 2022 will now have a living room flair for you. True to the slogan: Feeling at home with trbo – personalization makes you feel at home. In our chillout lounge you can refresh yourself with a drink of your choice and pick up the latest information on the topics of onsite personalization and optimization, A/B and multivariate testing, recommendations, dynamic segmentation and much more. We will also reveal exciting insights on the latest features from our trbo tool. 

Interested? Then visit us at DMEXCO!


Our trbo team on site is looking forward to many good conversations and a lively exchange. Visit us in hall 8 at booth C 011 and make yourself comfortable! 

You are not personally at the DMEXCO? Then contact us via our contact form and we will show you in a demo how trbo can boost your e-commerce.


If you are still looking for a ticket for DMEXCO, you can order one through us! Just send an email to dmexco22@trbo.com.


We are really looking forward to Cologne and to a great event with you! 


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