When the Easter Bunny visits – The best Easter campaigns by our customers

This year’s Easter was a little different than usual – for many of us it meant staying at home on the sofa instead of spending the holidays with our families. Of course, our laptop or smartphone were always within reach and people were very busy shopping online over the Easter holidays.
In fact, this year even significantly more than the previous Easter. Compared to the Easter weekend of 2019, our customers’ shops doubled their conversion rate and sales on average, and traffic rose by an average of 35 percent.

So it definitely pays off to make more out of the increased traffic at Easter. Our customers have come up with some ideas to brighten the holidays for the users on their site. In this post, we would like to present a few of our ideas for Easter promotions, which we have implemented together with our customers this year.

A big hit: The Easter egg hunt

Raffles and digital scavenger hunts are not only popular around Easter in order to please users and thus strengthen customer loyalty. Of course, the virtual Easter egg hunt on the website is the perfect choice at Easter – and many of our customers have implemented it in their shops. It can be designed in a variety of ways: users can find just one egg and are rewarded directly, or they can search for several eggs and put them in their digital Easter nest.
The trick to the Easter egg hunt: users first have to browse the page before finding the eggs, as they will of course only appear in the shop one by one. Perhaps not only Easter eggs will end up in the basket, but also the occasional product in the shopping cart. Once the user has found all the Easter eggs, a voucher will appear. If desired, the customer can also copy the voucher directly into the shopping cart.

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Gifts for Easter: Coupons

Many of our customers provided their users with gifts in form of coupons. For example, they received free delivery or discounts on certain categories or the entire product range. These types of coupons can easily be displayed in the shop using trbo – as an overlay or as an inpage element. In this case, it is also possible to add the coupon code directly from the element to the shopping cart with just one click. This way, users don’t have to remember the code or even search for it again later but can shop comfortably and enjoy the discount when completing the purchase.

Emotion Osteraktion

More Easter gimmicks

Another idea that was implemented by our customers was, among other things, the advertising of advice pages on Easter gifts – we were able to offer support in the search for small gifts and simply guide the users to them.

Some of the customers also had special Easter promotions, to which certain products were discounted. These campaigns can be visually enhanced by not only displaying the savings on the product but also by using a nice little picture to indicate that the product is currently part of the Easter campaign.

Gartenhaus Osteraktion


As you can see, there are many ways to make users happy on seasonal occasions – this does not have to be limited to Easter. So if you are interested in making your users happy on holidays or other seasonal occasions, please contact your account manager or info@trbo.com! We are looking forward to talking to you.

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