19 % higher conversion rate – our new case study with beck-shop.de

In order to be successful, online shops need to stand out from their competition. That’s where we come in to support our customers. We implement exciting campaigns everyday: improving the shopping experience online and increasing the conversion rate – across all devices. Of course, we want to share the success that our customers achieve in the process. Today we want to talk a little bit about an exciting case with beck-shop.de.

Displaying the last viewed products achieved a 19% higher conversion rate


We were able to implement a very exciting campaign with our customer beck-shop.de. beck-shop.de, like many other online shops, was confronted with a common problem: Although users were browsing the shop, they then left without making a purchase. The goal here was to re-integrate and support those users who had left the online shop without making a purchase.


The probability of purchase was to be increased by displaying the last viewed products to those users returning to the webshop. Therefore, we integrated an element showing the last viewed products of the user on the homepage:

After implementing the last viewed products, the homepage of beck-shop.de appeared as follows:


The result of our A/B test is convincing: The implementation achieved a 19 percent higher conversion rate across all devices. But not only the number of purchases increased. The user value also increased as a result of implementing recently viewed products.


Read more about the implementation in our case study!

Click here to download



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