Was ist eigentlich Guided Selling?

Guided Selling

Finde heraus, was Guided Selling ist und wie es dir dabei hilft, einen erfolgreichen Kundenservice und eine einzigartige Shopping Experience anzubieten.

trbo Insights - Florian's Lieblingsfeature

Picture Favorite Feature

When you think about a typical working day, which customer inquiries do you enjoy the most?  I am most pleased about a request for a new Product Advisor: a customer wants another Product Advisor for their new product series and sends me a briefing with the desired conversation!  Which trbo feature do you particularly like […]

Von FAQs zu Konversationen: Wie Chatbots den Kundensupport aufwerten

Customer support in e-commerce is becoming increasingly important in times of digitalization. The advice offered in traditional retail must also be applied online in order to win over customers. This is the challenge for companies: But how can they meet this requirement? The use of chatbots can provide some help, companies are relieved enormously and […]