Erfolgreich im E-Mail-Marketing: So erreichst du deine Kunden mit personalisierten und optimierten E-Mails
As an online store owner, you’re always looking for new ways to connect with your customers in a direct, personal way. While communication channels evolve, email remains a crucial tool for reaching customers effectively. But how can you ensure your emails stand out in a crowded inbox? The key is simple: dynamic, personalized email campaigns […]
Personalisierung in der Elektronikbranche
The electronics industry is constantly evolving, and products are becoming increasingly complex. As a result, customer needs are shifting too. Today’s consumers want a shopping experience that is not only simple and efficient, but also inspiring and tailored to their individual needs. This is particularly true for products that require detailed explanations, such as app-controlled […]
Marketing Tricks for more Sales: Die Sechs Prinzipien der Überzeugung
One of the most effective ways to ensure the success of your online store is by integrating psychological principles into your marketing strategy. In his 1984 book Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, American psychologist Robert Cialdini outlined six principles that are particularly valuable for running an online store. These principles can help you better understand […]
trbo auf der K5: Ein Highlight im E-Commerce-Kalender
Wir waren wieder teil der K5 Future Retail Conference. Lest unseren Rückblick, erfahrt mehr zu unserem Besuch und unserem Erfolg bei den K5 COMMERCE Awards!