Black Friday 2022 – 5 tips for full shopping baskets instead of lulls

On November 25, it’s that time again: the biggest discount battle of the year is upon us. However, consumers are still holding back their anticipation, because this year’s Black Friday has a slightly bitter aftertaste. Several years of the pandemic and now inflation have curbed the desire to shop, with many preferring to save their money. However, for retailers there’s also a positive side to the situation, since planned spendings for Black Friday are higher than two years ago, despite the current situation. Today, we’ll show you how to get your customers in the Black Friday mood and experience full shopping baskets on Black Friday instead of a lull. 

Tip 1: Good planning is everything 

It is not uncommon to plan too little time for Black Friday preparations and only get started when it’s already too late. Early and, above all, well thought-out planning is important. Web store operators should therefore always ask themselves the following questions: What do I want to achieve? Am I selling slow-moving items or discounting the entire product range? Do I want to boost overall sales? Campaigns can then be specifically aligned with these questions. Once the campaigns have been planned, they should also be announced on all channels. 


Tip 2: Increase anticipation and shopping mood among users

Although some uncertainty has spread among users this year, there are still ways to increase their anticipation of the discounts and convince them to strike on Black Friday. One frequently used and popular way to do this is the use of countdowns. These should be clearly visible on every page of the store, so that they are also noticed by users who enter the store via click-in channels that link to a detail page. This way, every user becomes aware of it and is guaranteed not to miss the launch. 

Countdown for Black Friday Babor

Countdowns can also be used during Black Friday to stimulate impulse buying. Due to the short timeframe of offers, users get the feeling that they have to act quickly and are more likely to complete a purchase than without a countdown. However, if a user wants to leave the store without completing a purchase, the countdown can also appear as an exit intent layer. This encourages the user to reconsider abandoning the purchase. 

Exit Intent Countdown for Black Friday


Tip 3: Awaken the play instinct with gamification

Once the play instinct has been awakened in users, they can no longer resist. Gamification also gives store operators the opportunity to stand out from the flood of offers and provide their users with an unforgettable experience. Furthermore, not only purchases but also leads can be generated through gamification. Combined with a newsletter sign-up, new customers are additionally directly tied to the company. As in brick-and-mortar retail, there are also a variety of contests online: Scratch cards, wheels of fortune or scavenger hunts. There are no limits to the imagination here. 

Scratching Cart for Black Friday


Tip 4: Highly sought after, but sold out – what now? 

Promising bargains are quickly sold out, especially on high-turnover days like Black Friday. Once bargain hunters rush into the online shop, there is often no stopping them. Sometimes a product is already sold out, but still appears in search results. In such a case, a small compensation should convince the user to make a purchase. This can be a discount or the display of alternative products. Initially dissatisfied customers can be brought around in this way and leave the store with a positive feeling. In combination with a newsletter registration, the user can even be tied to the company in the long term.


Tip 5: Exceed with advice

Even on Black Friday, customers don’t want to miss out on the service they’re used to in brick-and-mortar stores and still want to receive good customer advice. However, this service often falls short, especially during fast-moving discount campaigns. Store operators who offer their users assistance can therefore score particularly well. This support can be provided in a variety of ways. Whether in the form of an integrated chat, an inspiration page, or a consulting function with a catalog of questions – this puts the shop well ahead of its competitors. And a user who has actually only come to the shop because of a bargain can perhaps even be convinced to buy another product. 

Inspirational Shopping Schiesser


Would you also like to implement campaigns for Black Friday? Then get in touch quickly with your Client Success Manager or at E-Mail:! The countdown is on…


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