Wie LIBRO den Conversion Value um 13,9% steigerte

trbo Case Study Libro

LIBRO is one of the best known and most popular brands in Austria and offers a wide range of products in the fields of school, gifts and multimedia. In addition to its broad network of local stores, the retailer is also increasingly offering its products in e-commerce. 


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Many customers do online research on the items they need in advance, and some even prefer to order online. Unfortunately, there are also many users who fill the shopping cart but do not complete the purchase.


Increasing the value of the shopping basket by using recommendations


LIBRO wanted to counteract this problem and used trbo to test the display of product recommendations in the shopping cart. In our case study, we show how LIBRO was able to increase the shopping value, especially for mobile users, as a result of product recommendations in the shopping cart. 


Lest in unserer Case Study wie LIBRO durch zusätzliche Produktempfehlungen im Warenkorb den Conversion Value steigern konnte.


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