CO-REACH – print and online intertwined

CO-REACH 2017 was a complete success – for us as exhibitors but also as visitors and participants of the exciting program.


Already on the first day of the trade fair, we were delighted about the many visits of customers and interested parties who found their way to our booth. Especially after the presentation of our managing director and CTO Felix Schirl on the topic “Data-Driven Onsite Marketing – Performance Optimization through Individual Visitor Approach” the attendance was enormous.


Later, after a nice dinner with Teresa Echtler from mydays in Terminal 90, we headed over to the CO-REACH Party at Nuremberg Airport. A great opportunity to end the day with more exciting conversations, good music and a few drinks. Thanks to the beautiful weather we were able to spend most of the evening on the rooftop terrace – with a view over Nuremberg Airport.


On the second day of the trade fair, we also had the opportunity to listen to some interesting speeches, where we were introduced to some new topics.


Our conclusion: Exciting lectures, interesting exhibitors (of course we were right in the middle of it all!) and a successful program. If you did not make it to our booth or presentation this year, you can contact us directly at – we will be happy to explain the possibilities with trbo in detail and individually tailored to your needs.

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