On May 18th, 2017 this year’s Criteo Performance Marketing Awards took place – Criteo invited all to the GOP. Varieté – Theatre Munich.

The weather was perfect, the location was great and the program was amazing! Yet again this year the focus was on the awards ceremony.


And we were among the nominees!

We made it to the top 10 in the category “Most Innovative Performance Marketing Start-up” – out of a total of 70 applicants.


Our managing director and CTO Felix Schirl had his big performance in the afternoon. For the first time, the winner of this category was not selected beforehand by the jury on the basis of the applications. The 10 nominated start-ups proved their skills in a live pitch in front of a 10-member jury. trbo was very well received by the jury but unfortunately did not make it into the Top 3, who were able to pitch again in the evening. The audience had to be convinced in 3 minutes, the final decision on the winner was made in a live voting.

Congratulations to the winner Show Heroes!


After already having been in the audience of the #CPMAs last year and being nominated this year, we are already looking forward to next year – maybe as the winner of an award?! As you know, all good things come in 3…

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