Five Questions for… Amina

Five Questions for Amina Mayer

Who are the people behind trbo? In our blog series, our employees introduce themselves – and answer five questions about themselves and their work. Today with our dual student in PR & Communications, Amina Mayer.

1. How did you hear about trbo and when did you start working?

I’ve been with trbo for 1 ½ years now, it’s crazy how time flies! In 2020, I came across trbo while looking for a practical partner for my dual studies (PR & Communications) and then became part of the trbo family in the summer. At that time, I was really lucky to be able to start in the office. A few weeks later, it was already time to start working from home.

 2. What is your job at trbo?

During my studies, I support the marketing team three days a week. The other two days I’m at university. During the “semester break”, however, I work full time. My tasks include writing PR texts, blog articles, case studies and white papers. When I’m not writing, I help with research and the preparation of events.

3. What would you have said about your current career choice 10 years ago?

10 years ago I was still changing my career goals a lot: From marine biologist to journalist to profiler, it was all there. But I got stuck on one thing: Writing texts. Even in elementary school, I loved writing stories, and later I always thought German was a great school subject, while everyone else was annoyed by 10-page essays. So I don’t think my former self would be that surprised about my current career choice.

4. What do your colleagues do not know about you so far?

Phew, there is not too much, I think. Half a year ago I finally dared to get my trainer’s license for Taekwondo. I have been putting this off for 5 years now. But now I’m finally allowed to call myself a trainer officially. 😎 And if you missed the cute dog pictures, you probably also don’t know that I adopted a rescue dog. She has pretty big ears and is really stubborn. But as the saying goes: Dog and owner are often not so different 😉

5. Is there anything you wouldn’t do for all the money in the world?

I am a good swimmer, but I am still terrified of deep water. As soon as I can no longer see the ground beneath my feet, my heart starts to race. So I wouldn’t jump off a ship in the middle of the ocean for any amount of money. (Fun Fact: When I was a kid I found it totally fun to jump into deep water, no idea why that has changed so much).

Bonus question: What did you want to be when you grew up?

As a child, I always dreamed of living somewhere in the countryside and having my own horse farm. I was firmly convinced that one day I would earn my money with it.


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