Five questions for … Benedicte Mananika

Photo Benedicte

Who are the people behind trbo? In our blog series, our employees introduce themselves and answer five questions about themselves and their work. Today we talk to Benedicte Mananika, our dual student from Client Success Management

1. How and when did you join trbo?

I am currently a dual student at IU Internationale in Munich and fortunately came across trbo through my university. At the beginning, I did a two-week internship in September and was invited to participate in many training sessions. This made my start in October 2021 super easy. 

2. What exactly are you doing at trbo?

My activities at trbo are very versatile. I mainly assist the team with support requests. I also take on exciting testing tasks, translate various texts and support my team wherever I can. I also enjoy getting involved in the preparation of internal events.

3. Either or?

gummy bears – chocolate

stairs – elevator

Dog – Katze  – but only small dogs – hahaha

Winter – Summer – I like autumn better

sneakers – high heels  – I wear high heels only on special occasions for photos – then it’s the flats again

Cooking myself – going out to eat

beer – wine

 4. 10 years ago, what would your old self have said about your current career choice?

My old self would be very proud of me. 10 years ago, when I was in middle school, all I knew was that I wanted to go in the business direction. At that time, I hadn’t even thought about doing a dual degree program. 

5. What don’t your colleagues know about you?

In my free time, when I’m not studying, I pursue a special hobby. My passion is braiding traditional African hairstyles. I started teaching myself the art of braiding when I was 15 years old and have been doing all my own braided hairstyles (braids, cornrows, etc.) ever since. 

Bonus question: What has been the most embarrassing moment in your working life so far?

There was actually one at trbo. But I don’t think anyone ever noticed. My jeans ripped while bending over HAHAHA – and in a very awkward place at that. I then quickly went on break and bought a new pair of jeans at Zara. 


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