Five questions for… Karina

Who are the people behind trbo? In our new series our employees introduce themselves – and answer five questions about themselves and their work. Today with our account manager Karina Schneider.

1. How did you hear about trbo and when did you start working?

Networking! After completing my Master’s degree in spring of 2019, I met Kira at the Online Career Day in Munich. I quickly realized that trbo is a young and dynamic company with great potential. The application process took its course and thus I started my professional career in August 2019.

2. What is your job at trbo?

As an Account Manager, I am responsible for providing the best possible advice and support to our customers. My focus lies on the optimal use of our extensive tool so that our customers achieve and ideally exceed their objectives. One thing that really motivates me is that I also get to propose and implement my own concepts and actions for optimizing the online shop. When implementing them, the account management also works very closely together with our 2nd level support – these technical insights are very valuable. In addition, I have the opportunity to contribute new ideas for the further development of our tool – this way, the features are continuously and flexibly adapted to the current and future needs of our customers. 

Internally, I also act as the link between our marketing department and our account management – contributing to exciting projects such as our monthly newsletter and our regular webinars. 

3. What would you have said 10 years ago about your current career choice?

After my Abitur in 2011, I was initially playing with the idea of going to law school. At that time, digitalization was not yet as important as it is today and, above all, as it will be in the future. Accordingly, I think I would have been very surprised.

4. What do your colleagues do not know about you so far?

There are a few things they don’t know yet.   Although I have an open and personal relationship with many of my colleagues, it might come as a surprise to some that I am very familiar with the stock market and the crypto scene and I would love to be a day trader on the side – which of course my workload does not allow.

5.  What did you want to be when you grew up?

Police officer by day, DJane by night. As a police officer I would have ensured law and order at day while living it up at night – typical for my zodiac sign Gemini.

Bonus question: What has been the most embarrassing moment in your working life so far?

One day Mia, my sister’s dog, was at my place. Mia has a rather shrill bark. This one time, during a meeting with a customer, a delivery man rang the doorbell and the tiny watchdog immediately started barking very loudly. Everyone in the meeting was startled at first, but then had a good laugh as I held Mia up to the camera. By the way: please follow @mia_the_fox on Instagram.


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