Five questions for… Manuel

Who are the people behind trbo? In our blog series our employees introduce themselves – and answer five questions about themselves and their work. Today with our Account Manager Manuel Ries. 

1. How did you hear about trbo and when did you start working?

I have always been interested in the possibilities on the web. By chance, I then came across the trbo homepage and was quickly convinced by the company’s services and concept as an onsite personalization platform. I then started working for trbo in September 2019.

2. What is your job at trbo?

As an account manager, I am responsible for supporting both existing customers and new customers. It never ceases to amaze me just how much flexibility and challenge an account management position in a young technology company involves. I think juggling between multiple topics and the willingness to quickly adapt to different scenarios are challenging but also important for an Account Manager.

3. Either/or. (Delete where not applicable)

Gummy bearsChocolate


Stairs – Elevator


Winter – Summer 

Sneakers – High Heels

Cooking for myself – Eating out (tough question – a balance between the two would be


4. What do your colleagues do not know about you so far?

Before COVID, I used to be a club DJ from time to time. I like to play a mix of hip-hop (old and new), disco and house. Apart from that I still like to eat Daim cake! 🙂

5. What did you want to be when you grew up?

Growing up I always wanted to be a notary. I thought that, for example, notarizations and the supervision of real estate purchase contracts would be quite interesting. But I quickly realized that in day-to-day business, that wasn’t for me at all.


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