Five questions for … Markus

Who are the people behind trbo? In our new series our employees introduce themselves – and answer five questions about themselves and their work. Today with our Chief Sales Officer Markus Fröhlich.

1. How did you hear about trbo and when did you start working?

Well, that was a happy coincidence! I came into contact with trbo at a trade fair, at just the right time for both of us. That was in the summer of ’19. I met the entire team for the first time at the summer party and I have now been with trbo since autumn – soon it will be 1 year at trbo … and I hope there will be many more years and joint parties to come. 🙂

 2. What is your job at trbo?

As Chief Sales Officer, I am responsible for sales at trbo, i.e. new customer business. My job is very extensive and varied: Part of my work is to create the best possible basic conditions for our sales team to work successfully, as well as generally leading our great sales team. Since trbo is currently growing, my job, together with HR, also involves finding new sales colleagues and then, of course, training them accordingly. Furthermore, I attend numerous customer meetings: The presentation of a really good product that can help and add value to the (potential) customer and the joy of closing the deal were the main reasons why I joined Sales (many years ago…) – and I still enjoy it very much.

 3. Either/or. (Delete where not applicable)

Gummy bears – Chocolate


Stairs – Elevator

Dog – Katze

Winter – Summer 

Sneakers – High heels

Cooking myself – Going out to eat. Both, bottom line: I like to eat.

Beer – Wine

 4. What has been the most embarrassing moment in your working life so far?

Since I am basically (relatively) little embarrassed I can’t answer this question – my colleagues would have to do that for me. But even if I knew, I probably wouldn’t tell you so that everyone could read about it.  

 5. What did you want to be when you grew up?

That has changed on a regular basis. But becoming a professional soccer player and a veterinarian are the two career aspirations from my early childhood that I remember best. I didn’t have the necessary talent for the first one, and the second one somehow got lost. But I am quite happy where I ended up professionally.


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