Five questions for … Olesja

Our blog series is going into the next round and will make you smile again in 2023. Today, our Client Success Manager Olesja Birst kicks off the new year. She is responsible for our biggest customer and always tries to put a smile on their face. But what makes Olesja herself happy and what did we not know about her so far? We asked her five questions to find out.

1. What is your favorite

  • Lied: hard to say. There are just too many songs that I like to listen to. I listen to almost all genres except Schlager and so I can’t decide here 😀
  • Spiel: Activity
  • Sport: Dancing
  • Urlaubsziel: South America

2. What is your biggest dream?

To travel the entire world. There are just too many beautiful places and I would love to see them all.

3. Your insider tip for a cool weekend?

My secret tip is a paintball venue in Salzburg. It’s ultra fun, but you don’t get out of there without bruises. If you don’t want any bruises, I can also recommend the Eisriesenwelt in Werfen as an insider tip. This is the largest ice cave in the world and is only a stone’s throw away from Munich.

4. Your hidden talent

Settling disputes. But how I do it remains my secret. Otherwise it might not work anymore. 😉

5. Was war das Netteste, was eine Person je für dich gemacht hat?

This particular person spontaneously helped me move furniture into a tiny warehouse at 1am. It took a few hours and we had to play a lot of Tetris….


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