Five questions for … Patrick

Foto Patrick Zdravkovski

Who are the people behind trbo? In our blog series, our employees introduce themselves – and answer five questions about them and their work. Today with our Team Lead in CSM Patrick Zdravkovski who joined trbo in 2019 first in Sales, then in Client Success Management.

1. What is your favorite

  • Song: It always depends on my mood 🙂 
  • Film/Serie: All Marvel movies 
  • Spiel: Cluedo
  • Sport: Basketball
  • Tier: Dog
  • Essen: Sauerkraut wrap with beer potatoes
  • Urlaubsziel: Rhodes

2. Was ist dein Lieblingszitat- bzw. Motto?

Practice makes perfect! I believe that you can do anything if you practice enough.

Was ist dein größter Traum?

I would love to have a restaurant by the sea with the freshest and best food, great wines and a relaxed atmosphere. Especially awesome would be not having to earn money with that 😀 

4. Dein Geheimtipp für ein cooles Wochenende?

My insider tip refers to a certain weekend in the year: once a year the Konstanzer Seenachtsfest takes place with a lot of program and at the end there are two fireworks. One is organized by the German side and the other by the Swiss side. And if you are already at Lake Constance, you can do a sightseeing tour with a zeppelin. 

Mit wem würdest du gerne für einen Tag dein Leben tauschen?

Juan Amador – a renowned starred chef from Austria.



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