Five questions for … Stefanos

Stefanos Antyras

Who are the people behind trbo? In our blog series, our employees introduce themselves and answer five questions about themselves and their work. Today with Stefanos Antyras.

1. How and when did you come to trbo?

Looking for a new challenge at the end of 2019, I came across trbo’s job advertisement. It sounded pretty exciting and promising, so I applied directly and since the beginning of 2020 I’m there.  

2. What is your job at trbo?

My tasks as Team Lead Technical Solutions include mentoring, ticket distribution/ processing, organization for the Technical Solution Team and daily business. 

3. What did you want to be when you grew up?

Footballer, of course ⚽⚽⚽

4. 10 years ago, what would you have said about your current career choice?

Chapeau! Good choice! You did exactly the right thing 😉

5. What do your colleagues not know about you so far?

I play guitar and used to be guitarist and lead singer in a band I founded with friends. Other hobbies are watching and playing soccer, volleyball and gaming. I’m also a pretty good cook (according to my wife ).

Bonus question: is there anything you wouldn’t do for any money in the world?

I would NEVER wear a Dortmund or 1860 Munich jersey in my life. 

Only FC Bayern! Right, Uli?


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