Five questions for… Yuliya

Who are the people behind trbo? In our blog series our employees introduce themselves – and answer five questions about themselves and their work. Today with our Junior Frontend Designer Yuliya Golovach.

1. How did you hear about trbo and when did you start working?

I have been with trbo for one year. I met Kira at the trbo booth at the Online Career Day in Munich – less than a month later I was already on board. It went trbo-fast!

 2. What is your job at trbo?

I work in technical support at trbo: I make the craziest customer dreams come true, whether it’s a nice rain that appears over a recommendation when it’s actually raining outside (or at least when the weather forecast says so), or nice, responsive campaigns. Okay, perhaps not ALL ideas, because I’m still a junior, but I’m a fast learner.

 3. What would you have said 10 years ago about your current career choice?

I started working in project management in the IT sector about 10 years ago. Back then I would say to myself today: “Why haven’t I started with frontend development right from the start? To be honest, I had fun back then, too, and I gained valuable experience in the process – I know how important it is to provide quality. It is worth striving to get the best out of yourself – things can get bad on their own 😉 , giving thought to and filling in the gaps in the briefing, thoroughly testing the final product, etc.

 4. What did you want to be when you grew up?

A backup dancer for Michael Jackson.

 5. Is there anything you wouldn’t do for all the money in the world?

Ok, now I wouldn’t be a backup dancer with Michael Jackson for any money in the world (even if he was still alive): I’m pretty happy with frontend development.

Bonus question: What do your colleagues do not know about you so far?

That I have never played beer pong before in my life… True Story!


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