Five questions for… Minea

Minea Hidic Team Lead Client Success

Who are the people behind trbo? In our blog series, our employees introduce themselves – and answer five questions about themselves and their work. Today, with our Team Lead Client Success, Minea Hidic.

1. How did you hear about trbo and when did you start working?

I got to know trbo at the Online Karrieretag 2018 (Online Career Day). trbo was the second booth I visited, and I was immediately captivated by Anna’s and Kira’s personable manner. A few booths later, I realized that I had already found what I was looking for: a young and dynamic company with which I can grow. I literally “fell in love” at first sight. After snatching a few more goodies at the OKT, I went back to trbo’s booth and handed in my resume. Two weeks later, I had already signed my contract. 

2. What is your job at trbo?

I work as Team Lead Client Success at trbo. I am available for all conceivable problems, and support my team in their professional as well as personal development. In addition to my work as a Team Lead, I also look after my own client base, which I also enjoy very much. In the CS team itself, I also like to represent the role of #technea. I may or may not love technical topics and like to really dig in deep and help my colleagues. 

Additionally, on the team, I am the interface between Product Management and Client Success. I help integrate client requirements as well as our own ideas into the project management flow in an orderly manner and also guide it. 

The mix of mentoring/leadership, Client Success activity as well as involvement in Product Management gives me the variety that makes everyday work at trbo so exciting.

I am very happy to have found trbo at the OKT (Online Career Day)! 

3. What would you have said about your current career choice 10 years ago?

The old me would be very surprised by my current career choice. I NEVER wanted to work a job with major client contact. Thus, a job in Client Success was unthinkable. De facto, on my first day at trbo, I even mispronounced my name on the phone because I was so nervous. Things have now turned out for the better after all. But I still think the old Minea would be very proud of today’s. I have learned a lot in life and have put aside one or two thoughts like “You can’t do that” and I have been able to open some doors for myself both professionally and privately.

4. What do your colleagues do not know about you so far?

Tough question – even though I’m very introverted at first, I quickly become an open book when I feel comfortable with someone. I think the most important facts most should know: I love riding the bus, my hot water bottle is my most loyal companion, I grew up bilingual, I have a low tolerance for alcohol, and I’m an incredible junkie when it comes to watching series.

5. Either, or? (Delete where not applicable)

Gummy bears – chocolate … Why is salty popcorn missing as an option!!!

Coffee – Tea

Stairs – Elevator … My 2022-me is taking the stairs

Dog – Katze … Let’s best not talk about my obsession with dogs or this post will get very, very long

Winter – Summer … Let me just say: my hot water bottle and my cuddly blanket are always at hand, even in the office

Sneakers – High Heels

Cooking – Going out to eat … both very much. And while we’re at it, who’s going to HQ with me?

Beer – Wine … & Shots


Special section a la Minea:

5b – 5b …difficult  

Bonus question: Is there anything you wouldn’t do for all the money in the world?

There is certainly quite a bit, as my number of fears is not necessarily manageable. I wouldn’t hurt animals for any money in the world. This might sound a bit random, but 2 years ago I was actually asked if I wanted to accompany someone to slaughter chickens ?! After that, I could have gone straight into trauma therapy. 


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