For the second time in a row – trbo is a winner of the 2020 Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Award

We are proud to announce that we have received the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Award for the second time in a rowa crowning conclusion to a very special 2020. This time, we have even been ranked among the top 15!


We have already been part of the “Deloitte Technology Fast 50 – Germany’s fastest-growing technology companies” last year, which makes us all the happier about the result of this year’s Award:


With a growth rate of 712.84 percent, we are proud to be ranked as the 14th fastest-growing company in the German technology sector!  Due to Covid-19, yesterday’s award ceremony was held virtually rather than in a formal setting in Hamburg.


The evening was hosted by Tijen Onaran (CEO of Global Digital Women, among others), who guided us through the program including exciting keynotes and panels on digital transformation. Then the countdown started and our logo appeared at #14. A great place in our opinion!


This award is definitely a nice conclusion of this exceptional year 2020. But this doesn’t mean that we will stop striving for further success! We are looking forward to the rest of the year and especially the new year 2021.


A very special thank you to all our customers and partners, without whom winning this award would not have been possible in the first place!  We would not have been able to grow so quickly and steadily without your trust in trbo and your enthusiasm for our product.


Congratulations to the top 3 (Kolibri Games, quofox and Spotcap) and all other Fast 50 winners!


If you want to read some more: Here you can find the official (german) press release of the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Award and the list of all the winners.


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