Growth in our account management: Olesja Birst joins trbo


Following the start of Thomas Schmucker in our technology department, our account management team is also expanding: From now on, Olesja Birst supports us as an Account Manager.


For her studies, Olesja moved from around Heilbronn to Munich in 2008. She completed her master’s degree in Sinology (Chinese), Economics and Chinese Art & Archaeology at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University. During her studies, she spent one year in  Taiwan where she attended the National Taiwan University in Taipei.


Our new colleague started her professional career at, first as an intern in project and process management and then as a category management assistant. Most recently, she worked as a category manager for children, beauty and tools at cadooz rewards GmbH. For trbo, Olesja will be supporting and advising our customers.


In her free time, our new Account Manager loves to travel the world. Her motto: “The further away, the better”. She is particularly fond of Asian countries. Her goal is to travel and get to know as many countries as possible. Unfortunately, COVID-19 got in the way here. Otherwise, Olesja loves to cook, meet friends and go to the movies.


We are very happy to have you as part of our team, Olesja! Welcome on board!


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