Guest article: Stop trend hopping and do your homework!

Our Managing Director Felix Schirl states: “The marketing industry is constantly creating a lot of fuss. Currently they call it Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Voice and 5G. However, he observes: “Many of these things are rather small and far from becoming the next big thing. He therefore appeals to the industry: “Do your homework instead of trend shopping!

Preferably before the start of major events like the Mobile World Congress, the Online Marketing Rockstars or DMEXCO, new trends – or new fuss – are regularly invented. Especially marketers as a professional group are by no means immune against trend hopping. We talk about the big trend of “personalization” – but the mail address (“Hello Schirl, Felix!”) is unfortunately still lacking in many companies. The fear of excessive data spying is also big – but the real existing retargeting is so stupid that a product that has already been bought a long time ago is still offered two weeks after the purchase.

Sounds familiar ? Felix Schirl therefore suggests that we simply do our homework properly in 2019.

Continue reading: Do your Homework instead of trend hopping – guest article on

In his guest article on Horizont online, Felix Schirl explains which homework that is. You can read the full length of this article here (german).

Have fun reading! If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us!

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