Marco Brunner starts as Senior Client Success Manager

After the start of Krystyna and Iryna we are far from stopping and are looking forward to further reinforcements. From now on, Marco Brunner supports us as Senior Client Success Manager.


Marco initially completed his training as an industrial clerk at Schreiner Group GmbH & Co. KG where he worked for a total of eight years. Afterwards, he joined MAVIG GmbH as an internal sales representative before moving to CCL Label GmbH as a customer service project manager. His main tasks during his career included key account management, customer service and project management. Marco now brings his experience to trbo’s Client Success department, where he will actively support us. 


In private, Marco is a very sports enthusiastic person. He is most attracted to soccer and motorsports – this month he is going to the Sachsenring to watch MotoGP. In general, however, Marco likes to try out every kind of sport. Probably the craziest activities Marco has tried were underwater polo and beer pong.

Star Wars also occupies a very large place in his life, which is why he enjoys passing on his knowledge – whether wanted or not.

Lately, however, Marco has had little time to pursue his hobbies. As recently as March, he got married, has moved and has even become a father for the first time. Now, of course, he devotes all his time and love to his little daughter.


Congratulations on your new baby and welcome to trbo, Marco! 


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