Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year

6 new employees, 48 new customers, over 100 conversations at events – a really successful year.

We continued to grow together as a team and accomplished a lot together. Whether several after-work dinners, a summer party with a Secret Escape Battle, a wonderful visit to Wiesn or our Christmas party on the Maxlrainer Alm – we always had a lot of fun!

We’ve got big plans for 2018 and are looking forward to the many exciting projects our customers are planning. In order to be prepared for the upcoming year, we are planning to move the entire technology infrastructure from Amazon to Google and are working on the further development of our features – this means that not only our colleagues in Account Management are ready for new challenges and customer wishes, but also our technology.

2018 will be another year full of events for trbo: The kick-off will be the iBusiness Virtual Conference, with a talk by our managing director and CTO Felix Schirl.  On February 8th we will organize a networking event together with our technology partner CrossEngage and we will once again rock the Rockstars (appointments possible at any time). Of course, dmexco is already booked, too – we wouldn’t miss the class reunion.

The year 2018 awaits us with many tasks – and we are looking forward to it!

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our customers and partners for the past year and wish you all Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Your trbo team

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