Mobile Website Optimization – our new whitepaper with tips and tricks for outstanding shopping experiences

More and more people are using their smartphone to search for products, browse through the product range, but also to buy online. But mobile online shoppers usually have little time to surf and also less patience when it comes to finding products in the store. This is also reflected in the bounce rate, which is still usually higher in mobile online shops than on the desktop. 


Convenience and simple navigation are the main keywords for optimizing the mobile web presence. Read our new whitepaper to find out which tips and tricks you can use to optimize your mobile website!


Mastering the special task of mobile traffic


Users on mobile devices have their own unique needs and this makes a mobile website a challenge for many merchants. Following the same strategy as on desktop often leads to a dead end. 


With a few simple steps, store operators can also increase the conversion rate on mobile devices. It is important to make the buying experience as uncomplicated and pleasant as possible in order to remain positively in mind. 


Download our whitepaper Mobile Website Optimization – Tips and tricks for outstanding shopping experiences now!


In our whitepaper, we showcase concrete examples of how easy it is to optimize your mobile online store. Learn more about reducing your webshop to the essentials and still creating a better experience.  

[av_button label=’Download now for free’ link=’manually,’ link_target=’_blank’ size=’medium’ position=’center’ label_display=” icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’theme-color’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ av_uid=’av-tsc8uj’ custom_class=” admin_preview_bg=”]


Habt ihr Fragen zu unserem Whitepaper oder bereits Ideen und Wünsche für die Umsetzung auf eurer Website? Then get in touch with us! We’ll show you how your website can benefit from onsite personalization and optimization!


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