New support from Dublin – Lena Enders starts as Client Success Manager

The temperatures are dropping, the leaves are falling from the trees, and soon we’ll have to unpack our cozy socks again. But we don’t let that affect our mood and kick off the cold season with a new employee. What’s special about it is that this time the support is not located in the Munich office, but directly in Dublin! From now on Lena Enders supports us as Client Success Manager. 


After finishing school, Lena first started at Caroobi as a Sales Manager. A short time later, she worked as a Customer Success Manager at Sky and Dazn, where she was responsible for various projects. More and more, she wanted to gain insights into marketing in addition to sales and customer success. So she decided to start a dual study in marketing and digital media. Parallel to this, she worked as a marketing manager for a recruitment company. After four years of study, Lena is now drawn back to Client Success Management. At trbo, she can now bring in and expand the experience she has already gained. 


In her free time, Lena is very enthusiastic about sports. Her favorite thing to do is watch soccer, and to this day she can’t quite decide which club is her favorite. That’s why she has two: BVB and Werder Bremen. But it’s not just soccer that she’s passionate about; she also enjoys watching basketball, football and field hockey. Of course, her favorite food, sushi, is never missing. But Lena doesn’t just enjoy sports sitting in front of the TV, she is also very active herself. When she’s not cheering on one of the sports leagues, she likes to go to the gym and work out. She also takes a lot of time on her days off to stay in touch with her friends all over Germany on the phone.


“I moved from Berlin to Dublin in May. At first, it was just for an internship, with the intention of coming back to Germany after four months. But then I liked it so much that I stayed.”

In Dublin, Lena loves going to the movies, even on a weekly basis. Or she deeply dives into the world of Game of Thrones and House of Dragon. 


We are happy that you found your way to trbo despite your move to Dublin. Welcome to the team, dear Lena! 


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