Partner Spotlight: Felix Schroeder, Co-Founder and CEO at Chatchamp


In our new series of articles, our partners have their say! We’ll give you first-hand insights into our partnerships to clearly show the benefits of working with trbo and our partners. 


Today’s interview partner is Felix Schroeder, Co-Founder and CEO at Chatchamp.


What exactly is it that our partner Chatchamp does, and how do you benefit from the cooperation between trbo and Chatchamp? Learn more in today’s interview.

1. First, tell us something about yourself and what you do at Chatchamp?

Before we start, I would like to say how pleased I am to be doing this interview with you today! We’ve been partnering for a while now, so I’m all the more excited to tell you a bit about us and our joint projects!

A brief overview of my person: I am originally from the south of Munich, and started Chatchamp together with my two co-founders 4 years ago. As a founder, my tasks are broad, most of all I deal with business development and sales.

2. What was the idea behind Chatchamp?

The topic of conversational commerce and automated chats was something we felt was a good fit for eCommerce, but not yet covered by solutions. Our goal is to make it as easy as possible for eCommerce companies to perfectly consult their customers and offer an impressive user experience, 24/7 and scalable. Chatchamp, Guided Selling for eCommerce, was born.

3. What makes Chatchamp unique, and what are your goals?

Chatchamp’s goal is to enable all eCommerce companies to offer Guided Selling in various forms to their customers. We want customers to be at least as well advised on the website as they are in brick-and-mortar stores, day, or night. In the end, we increase both the conversion rate and customer satisfaction. Our unique approach of using automated chats/chatbots specifically for product advice gives a variety of opportunities to engage customers even after the consultation through personalized CRM routes or voucher codes.

4. Does trbo play a part in achieving your goals?

By partnering with trbo, we can quickly set up A/B tests together with our clients, among other things. This not only helps us test the Chatchamp chats, but also to properly test the different characteristics on the website.

On the other hand, we can also pass highly valuable personalization information to trbo, so that both trbo can personalize the website better, and we can further customize the advice provided to the users.

5. What led you to enter into a partnership with trbo?

Both the goal of our companies (perfect personalization) and the orientation of the client target group fit together perfectly, and complement each other nicely. This allows us to create clear synergies and added value for clients on both sides.

6. How do Chatchamp and trbo interact?

The personalization data that Chatchamp receives from the conversations with our clients can be used for further personalization on the website. Likewise, information about, e.g., existing customers (yes/no), can also be used for more customized advice.

7. What, in your opinion, are the biggest advantages resulting from the cooperation?

The cooperation provides clients with even more opportunities to drive personalization, and to provide a unique interactive customer experience to their clients.

8. What advice would you give to someone looking for the right partner?

Partners should complement each other on both a product level and a target customer level. This ensures that subsequent collaboration is successful for both sides and leverages synergies. The personal level is just as important, of course, to ensure that the collaboration remains successful long-term!

9. Is there an experience with trbo that you like to think back on?

We were going through the agenda of the K5 last year, and saw that trbo was also appearing there as a speaker, with a very similar topic in the area of personalization and product consulting. Thus, we started talking and also met in Munich a couple of days later

10. Bonus question: Two people with the same first name are starting a business — isn’t there a big risk of confusion? Have there been any weird situations due to this?

It really is challenging

Fortunately, my co-founder has a nickname, so there is not any confusion at work. However, there has been some confusion in email correspondence. And since your founder is also named Felix, we’ve already had meetings with 3 Felixes   



Would you like to learn more about our partner Chatchamp and our collaboration?


Then be sure to check out our partner page, where you can re-read everything in detail.


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