Press Release: Jelena Maticevic joins trbo

Munich, June 2, 2017 – Further growth for the Munich-based technology company: As of the beginning of the month, the trbo family welcomes a new member to its Account Management team.


We are excited to welcome Jelena Maticevic to trbo. “I am delighted to be part of such an exciting company as trbo. With its dedicated and helpful employees and a great concept, trbo convinced me immediately,” stated the 25-year-old.


As a new employee of trbo, the youngest member of the Account Management team will obviously receive the necessary tools right at the beginning of her trbo career: a yo-yo, a piece of bubble wrap, a trbo shirt and a stress ball – all in trbo style, of course.


“I’m looking forward to an exciting time at trbo,” the new Account Manager continues, “and to a great working relationship with my new colleagues”.

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