Significantly reduce bounce rates: 4 actions for effective Google Shopping Ads

Google Shopping Ads supply important traffic for online shops. The catch: a high bounce rate. How to prevent users from leaving your site quickly:


If a user searches for a baby monitor on Google, for example from Philips, Google Ads, as well as Google Shopping Ads (Product Listing Ads), are usually displayed alongside organic search results (e.g. from the Philips website). These Product Listing Ads (PLAs) consist of a teaser image, a brief description of the product, the price and the seller. By clicking on this ad, the user is redirected to a product detail page on a webshop. If he likes the baby monitor, he can make the purchase directly from the product detail page. If he doesn’t like the product, the user usually bounces back to the Google search results – the potential customer is lost for the shop.


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