The event marathon continues: meet trbo at the E-Com Experience Summit

We just cannot get enough of events this year, so we are really going all out again in November! From November 11-12, the E-Com Experience Summit hosted by our partner Findologic will kick off again.


After last year’s launch was a complete success, the virtual event has now been extended to two days. In other words: more insights, more experts and more know-how! On November 11, we will be taking part again with an exciting workshop!

E-Com Experience Summit: Focusing on eCommerce in the DACH region and Europe

November 11-12 is all about eCommerce success. With over 10 different sessions and masterclasses, eCommerce experts from all over Europe will share exciting best practice strategies and trends. On Day 1, the focus will be on eCommerce in the DACH region, with all presentations held in German. The presentations on Day 2 will focus on eCommerce across Europe and will be held in English.

Do not miss our session on November 11 at 11.15 am!

Get ready for the perfect customer experience! On November 11 at 11:15 am, our VP Client Success Anna-Katharina Knarr will talk about “Besondere Erlebnisse im Webshop statt 08/15 Commerce” (“Special experiences in the web store instead of 08/15 commerce”). In her session, which will be held in German, Anna will be sharing lots of insights and best practice examples on how to achieve special experiences in your online shop with personalization.



Interesting, isn’t it? Register now – it’s free!



We are looking forward to seeing you at the E-Com Experience Summit!


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