The Technical Solution Team keeps growing – Iryna Zorina starts as an intern in Web Development

After introducing you to our current interns Iryna and Krystyna a few weeks ago, we are happy to introduce you to another new employee from Ukraine. From now on Iryna Zorina supports us as a trainee in web development.


Also for Iryna web development is still a rather unknown field of work. Although she has already been able to teach herself a few things, she will still learn a lot during her two-month internship at trbo. Just like Iryna and Krystyna, the internship is about learning and consolidating the basics of HTML, CSS and JavaScript in order to be able to work independently with trbo layers in the future.
In addition, Iryna learns important technologies for frontend development in the Web Developer Bootcamp. The mentors from trbo are always available to answer her questions and try to teach her about our tool on a daily basis.


“My goal for the near future is to become a front-end developer, but later I want to be a full-stack developer.”

In her home country, Iryna initially had nothing to do with technology at all. After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in linguistics and economics, she worked as an English teacher. Later, she also worked as a copywriter and then as a content manager. It turned out that only with time she discovered her interest in web development and taught herself some things from frontend development. She even worked as an HTML programmer in Ukraine for almost a year before she had to leave her home country.


“I saw an ad about the internship at trbo on Telegram and decided to give it a try.”

We would now like to give her the opportunity to expand the knowledge she has already gathered and realize her dream of being a full-stack developer one day. Welcome to our trbo team dear Iryna!


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