This was the trbo DMEXCO 2018

Finally, on September 12, the time had come again: the class reunion of the digital industry entered the next round – DMEXCO called.

As in the previous year, we again had our own booth – this time with an even larger area at the Webtrekk partner booth. A good decision, as we were unable to complain about the large number of visitors.

Apart from numerous appointments with customers and interested parties, some visitors spontaneously passed our booth. The summary: our customers are the best! Many thanks to everyone who visited us at DMEXCO!

Furthermore we had a special event at our booth this year: the dear employees of visited us and shot a video on our DMEXCO appearance. You can admire the result on YouTube (german).

Interview with


Our customer case video attracted many visitors who came to inform themselves about onsite personalization and optimization. Not only our give-aways but also our case studies and our brand-new whitepaper went away like hotcakes.

Interested in our video or case studies? Then simply write an email to E-Mail:


trbo case studies and give aways

The end of the first day of the fair was ushered in with the booth party at our Webtrekk partner booth. We had lots of fun and great conversations with our customers and prospects. After the trade fair we headed to Bootshaus – to the now legendary OMR Aftershow. We celebrated until late into the night with Samy Deluxe, Oli P. and Gigi D’Agostino (or rather his double). After a pretty short night, we started the second day at the trade fair.

The second DMEXCO day drew a lot of visitors to the booth – felt like a bit more than in the past years on the second day. At night it was time to go home again.


Many thanks to everyone who visited us and especially to our booth partner Webtrekk – the organization was great!

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