Time for Product Insights: Product logics at trbo


The time has come again to give you an insight into our platform and its features. Last, we talked about Geotargeting & Geo Location. Today we’ll dive into a topic that is a major part of our daily business: product logics.

What are product logics?

Product recommendations serve to inspire users, show them alternatives, or provide further incentives to make a purchase. In order to implement meaningful recommendations, so-called product logics must be stored in a recommendation engine. They help to generate and display the appropriate product recommendations to the user.

What kind of product logics are there, and how are they used?

There are different types of product recommendations that can be used, depending on the user’s stage of the customer journey. Accordingly, there are numerous kinds of product logics that can be used. These include, for example:


  1. Topseller: The name already describes the content of this product logic. When used, it displays the best-selling products from a specific time period. For better customization of the recommendations, these can also be filtered, e.g. by the category they are assigned to.
  2. Frequently bought together: Using this logic, shops recommend products that are often purchased by other users in addition to the currently viewed product or products in the shopping cart.
  3. Recently viewed products: With the “last seen” logic, users can easily be guided back into the buying process, for example, after having left the page for only a short time. They then do not have to search for relevant products again, but see them at first glance (e.g. when re-entering the homepage).
  4. Products in the shopping cart: Customers can again be reminded of products in their shopping cart, e.g. in the form of an overlay upon exit intent or when returning to the shop after they had left the page but not made a purchase.
  5. Associated products: This product logic assigns certain product IDs to a product in the feed in order to display them as a recommendation, for example on a product detail page. Classically, these recommendations can include, for example, accessory items (accessories to the closet), but also outfit suggestions (a matching jacket to the pants).
  6. Recommended products: This product logic selects products according to a smart algorithm. It takes e.g. surfing behavior, statistical twins, sales and much more into account. Thus, every user receives personalized recommendations that exactly match his or her needs.


With trbo you have many more options to use different product logics for the most fitting recommendations for your users. Certain products can be pushed, products that are currently in high demand can be displayed, or recently purchased ones can be integrated, for example, to facilitate weekly shopping in the grocery shop.

Product logics – Can I use that too?

Our product logics can be used by all trbo customers to quickly and easily integrate the appropriate recommendations for your users in any look and feel that matches your shop.


You are not a customer yet? We are happy to demonstrate how you can use product logics and recommendations to optimize the user experience on your website in a personalized demo.


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