trbo Office Week with Chatchamp

trbo and Chatchamp employers

During carnival week it happened again: All trbo employees were invited to an inspiring office week at the headquarters. This time we were joined by our new colleagues from Chatchamp.


There was a lot going on: eating pizza together, playing beer pong, a trip to the Viktualienmarkt in Munich to watch the ‘dance of the market women’, a soccer challenge and a Weißwurst breakfast. 

trbo team 1

But at trbo we didn’t just celebrate, we also had great cross-team workshops.

The Sales team gave us insights into their strategy, explained the strengths and the opportunities of trbo. Always striving to become even better and more efficient. Our Client Success team gave us insights regarding the wishes and challenges with our customers, the Tech team showed us the latest product developments and our colleagues from Chatchamp introduced us to the chatbot world. In between, we had the opportunity to talk more intensively, get to know each other better, forge ideas and talk through new approaches. There was a lot going on in the office. Every workstation was occupied, every conference room was booked, and meetings were even held in the kitchen over a cozy cup of cappuccino. 

trbo team 2

During the day we worked together and across teams, and in the evening we had a lot of fun: 

  • At the Beerpong tournament, it was immediately apparent who had a lot of practice. 
  • While eating pizza together, we realized that both the trbos and the Chatchamps were quite hungry and we had to order more.
  • The trbos worked on their team spirit during indoor soccer.
  • There was a lot of laughter during the get-to-know-you game “Fun-Fact Match”. There were some strange talents and some pretty crazy travel stories. To keep the memory of this fun event, plenty of Polaroid pictures were taken.
  • Before going to the dance of the market women on the Viktualienmarkt on carnival Tuesday, the Chatchamps distributed care packages. In addition to a snack, consisting of two small schnapps including a glass and a muesli bar, there was of course also some electrolyte powder for the day after.
  • The wild animal herd of the trbos and Chatchamps – our motto was the big trboChamp zoo – moved from the headquarters to the Viktualienmarkt and later to a cozy bar for the carnival funeral.
  • At 9.00 am sharp we met for a breakfast together in the office. Afterwards and on Thursday there was a lot of workshopping again! 


Fazit: A successful office week, with great individual events and lots of good vibes! Thanks to the entire trboChamp team for the great implementation and that you were all there. Working together and celebrating together at trbo: onsite – realtime – smart!


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