Time for Product Insights: trbo Segment Reporting


We are continuing our blog series featuring our different trbo features. Our topic today: the segment reporting. Would you like to learn more about trbo-segments you’re using and their impact? If so, you should use the trbo segment reporting. We will explain everything you need to know in today’s blog post!

Segmentation – What was that again?


In online marketing, people often talk about segments and segmentation. Generally speaking, segmentation means dividing (potential) customers into specific groups (so-called segments) based on certain characteristics – such as interests or buying behavior. Segmentation is one of the fundamental elements of personalization, as it helps shop operators address their users individually and personally according to their needs and thus improve their experience on the website.


Would you like to refresh your knowledge on this topic? Take a look at our blog post on segmentation here.

Segment reporting – How does it work?


Do you want to understand how many users actually fall into your segments and how these users behave? Excellent! Due to the increasing dynamics of interactions, it is essential to constantly monitor and optimize the segments you have created.


Who generates more conversions, customers interested in women’s fashion or those interested in men’s fashion? Do your regular customers actually spend more money in your shop than bargain hunters – or are subjective perceptions deceptive? These questions can be answered with trbo’s segment reporting. The segment reporting helps track your segments and evaluate them on a daily basis.


After activating the tracking for segments, you can easily select any number of segments and define the period of the evaluation. When selecting multiple segments, you will also have the option of choosing a default segment. This segment can then be compared with the KPIs of the other segments. This allows you to easily determine which segment brings an uplift and which one is underperforming.


The available KPIs for segment reporting are:

Number of Users, Page Views, Page Views per User, Conversions, Conversion Rate, Conversion Value, User Value and Average Order Value.


Below is an example of what a segment reporting could look like, and lo and behold: on average men spend more money per order, whereas women have a better conversion rate (at least in this segmentation example).

Segment reporting – Am I able to do this too?


Anyone who runs a webshop and would like to know how many users fall into the individual segments and how they behave can use the segment reporting within our onsite personalization platform. You might be surprised by some of the insights it generates!


You are not a customer yet?  We are happy to show you how you can optimize and personalize the onsite experience for your customers and use our segment reporting for the evaluation in a personalized demo.


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