Chatbot AI

Your customer service is mainly busy with recurring requests? With Chatbot AI, you can automate up to 50% of your customer inquiries!

Try the Chatbot AI and create your own digital customer service chatbot in just a few minutes!


Reduction of service inquiries


Resolution rate (successful answer)


cost savings

24/7 customer support via chatbot

The chatbot AI is available to your customers around the clock. It answers recurring requests immediately, reducing the workload of your customer service team by up to 30%. Customers can simply type their requests into the free text field at any time of the day or night and get an immediate answer. No more annoying queues, with high workloads – simply a perfect user experience!

Powered by OpenAI

The chatbot is trained with existing FAQs, the essential knowledge from the customer care team as well as content from your website and can be set up within minutes. Since the AI Bot is based on ChatGPT, it speaks like a human and enables interactions almost like with a real person – and it’s 100% compliant with the GDPR.

Seamlessly integrated into the customer journey

Thanks to numerous individual store system integrations, the chatbot AI can respond with personal and targeted answers to questions about, for example, package tracking, complaints & returns, and payment & checkout.

The Chatbot AI is specialized in answering any customer questions in the context of e-commerce stores.

Do you already know our Product Advisor?

With the Product Advisor, you can inspire your users full-screen in the store as part of the product advice – whether mobile or desktop, the perfect user experience always in focus.

Discover more related features – matching your business needs

trbo offers a variety of features for your personalization journey.

With our product trbo Chat we can provide you with the exact solution to achieve your website goals.

trbo Chat

Automate 50% of your customer inquiries with our AI Chatbot
  • AI Chatbots
  • Customer Service Automation
  • Order Tracking
  • Human Live Takeover

See the trbo toolbox

The technical basis

Chatbot AI

For the setup of the Chatbot AI we need almost no technical resources – Plug & Play for a perfect user experience.

For the integration, we need a tag manager – we do the rest. You already have trbo in place? Then we can also implement the Shopping Assistant directly through trbo.

Through existing interfaces to store systems and tracking providers, the order status can be retrieved in real time. You do not have any technical effort yourself.

Chatbot AI seamlessly integrates with a variety of live chat systems. This allows a service agent to take over the chat to assist with challenging or emotional customer queries.

You want to test where a prominent integration of the Chatbot AI makes the most sense? No problem via an A/B testing upgrade. Support your gut feeling with data!

Telekom Logo
t-online Logo
Auf der Suche nach einem Anbieter mit dessen Hilfe wir mittels Software as a Service auf unseren Webseiten den Besuchern für sie relevante Angebote anzeigen können, sind wir mit trbo fündig geworden und haben damit auch durchweg positive Erfahrungen gemacht. Bekommen haben wir ein Tool, welches speziell auf die Bedürfnisse der Telekom zugeschnitten ist und auch bei sich ändernden Anforderungen von trbo schnell und lösungsorientiert angepaßt wird. Hat man ein Problem, so steht einem der trbo Support stets kompetent und schnell zur Seite.
When we were looking for a provider with whom we could show visitors relevant offers on our websites using Software as a Service, we found trbo and have had consistently positive experiences with it. We have received a tool that is specifically tailored to Telekom's needs and can be adapted quickly and in a solution-oriented manner as trbo's requirements change. If you have a problem, trbo support is always available to help you quickly and competently.
Frank Benner Business Epic Owner for Campaign Automation Business Epic Owner für Kampagnenautomatisierung

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Let's get personal

Start delivering memorable, 1:1 experiences that keep your customers coming back.

Leave us a message and one of our dedicated personalization experts will reach out to you. We look forward to hearing from you!

Zünde den trbo

Kreiere einzigartige, personalisierte User Experiences, die deine Kunden begeistern und sie immer wieder zurück kommen lassen.

Schick uns eine Nachricht und einer unserer trbo Experten wird sich bei dir melden. Wir freuen uns darauf, von dir zu hören!