User Experience (UX)

User Experience (UX) refers to the entirety of the experiences that a user makes with a shop, a product, a website, software or similar. In most cases the term refers to the interaction with websites and apps – but in the true sense it also includes the physical use of products. In this context, the term UX covers all behaviors, but also feelings, that a user has when interacting with a certain product. The optimization of the user experience is a central requirement of digital business models, since a positive user experience can have a positive influence on corporate goals such as conversion rates.

Requirements for a good user experience

A good UX is often described with the term “Joy of Use” – i.e. if the experience with the product, the application, etc. has given the user pleasure. One of the major challenges for a good UX is to provide the customer efficiently (e.g. with as few clicks as possible) with enough information to lead him to a purchase. A clear navigation, logically consistent click paths and contents that are easy to grasp are essential pillars of a good user experience in the web shop. For a content site, e.g. a news portal, the most important thing is a well-groomed sorting of articles and a good search function, which allows the user to read as many relevant articles as possible during his usually short stay.

Personalized content can improve the user experience

A high degree of personalization goes hand in hand with a successful user experience. Through an interest-based display of specific content, a good user experience is guaranteed and thus the company’s goals can be achieved more effectively.

For example, when re-entering an online shop, products in which the user has already shown interest can be displayed. This simplifies the navigation for the user and ultimately increases turnover.

Whether the user experience is positive can e.g. be measured and verified by onsite user surveys.

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