Fashion is personal, your store should be too

Think of how it feels to find the perfect outfit after sorting through endless racks of clothing at a physical store. With trbo, it’s as if there’s a section of the clothing store specially set aside to match each of your shoppers’ tastes. It’s the thrill of finding new threads, without the hassle of the search. 


trbo has helped over 100 fashion brands personalize their site

Just how powerful can trbo be?

See an example of how a fashion company can become the talk of any formal event.


The goal: Increase online conversion rate for formalwear

Let’s say you’re a high-end department store looking to become the go-to source for any formal occasion. Sure, trbo won’t be able to help your customers find the perfect wedding date, but you’re certain that it can help them find the perfect outfit to blow everyone away. To boost your chances of getting the more visitors to shop formal attire from your site, you’ve also paid popular social media influencers to promote your products and drive traffic to your online shop.


Target the right person

Whether it’s the summer wedding season or a flurry of winter galas, you can count on seasonal formal events to bring an influx of new shoppers to your site. Make a great first impression with dynamic segmentation, and unique experiences targeting visitors by their traffic source.

Feature Spotlight

Dynamic Segmentation

Let’s say it’s summer and your budget-friendly influencer drives a customer to purchase an affordable wedding-guest dress. As a result, they get put on your email list for more affordable brands.

A few months later, they’re back browsing floor-length designer gowns for an upcoming gala. With dynamic segmentation from trbo, this user’s data would have them automatically designated to a new audience segment for shoppers interested in designer brands.

Targeted Deals

Let's face it. Formalwear is expensive. You can assume your shoppers might not be ready to make a purchase on their first visit. But that's okay.

You can meet your customers wherever they’re at to help guide them to checkout. New visitor? Offer free shipping on their first order. Loyal returner? Give them custom discounts upon logging in.

With the ability to set consumer segments based on 50+data points, it’s easy to help your customers treat themselves with relevant communications.


Serve the right message

You’re not the only brand vying for the attention of formalwear shoppers, so you have to capture it as soon as possible. Create a personal experience from the second your customer lands on your product page, whether they’re coming from social media, an online search, or a link from a friend. 

Feature Spotlight

Influencer Dynamic Overlays

Since you’ve identified audiences most relevant to your influencer campaign, inspire your shoppers by delivering your influencer imagery right on the product detail pages.

These integrated marketing tactics, alongside A/B testing, helps you find out what works best to continuously improve the user experience, guiding them to find products that match their tastes.

Upselling in Shopping Cart

Help your shoppers shop for what they really want with product recommendations. Do they have budget shoes in their cart? Upsell by recommending those designer alternatives you know will complete their outfit.

That’s not all - recommend complementary products just before your shoppers click 'buy' to help them complete their glow-up.


Show up at the right time

Event-goers prepare for formal events on all kinds of timeframes. Some are eager to get their shopping done early; others wait till a few days before. Whatever their style, trbo’s dynamic, AI-enabled, time-specific targeting, will help you reach shoppers when they’re most likely to buy.

Feature Spotlight

Abandoned Cart Pop-up

Remember those shoppers that weren't quite ready to buy on their first visit to your store? They're back! Get them to purchase by directing them to the cart they previously abandoned with 1:1 personalized messages.

Set time-sensitive campaigns

Maybe your target customer is struggling to find a plus-one or saving money for their dream dress. Whatever the reason, you can always expect some last-minute shoppers.

Plan and set up a campaign ahead of wedding season, school dances, and other seasonal events to capture all the late-birds. You could specify a duration for a special procrastinator's promotional offering to run, and even set a maximum number of shoppers that see the offer.


Launch your campaign

While you work on your other tasks, rest assured trbo is working hard for you to deliver insights for your business. In the background, data is being sent to an easy-to-use dashboard, a self-learning algorithm optimizes the users response, and your guests are receiving an excellent customer experience.

Don’t see your industry?

trbo helps companies of all shapes and sizes to deliver exceptional customer experiences

See the trbo toolbox

trbo plays well with others

Our tool plugs right into any existing applications you use, leveraging external data to make trbo even more powerful.

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Auf der Suche nach einem Anbieter mit dessen Hilfe wir mittels Software as a Service auf unseren Webseiten den Besuchern für sie relevante Angebote anzeigen können, sind wir mit trbo fündig geworden und haben damit auch durchweg positive Erfahrungen gemacht. Bekommen haben wir ein Tool, welches speziell auf die Bedürfnisse der Telekom zugeschnitten ist und auch bei sich ändernden Anforderungen von trbo schnell und lösungsorientiert angepaßt wird. Hat man ein Problem, so steht einem der trbo Support stets kompetent und schnell zur Seite.
When we were looking for a provider with whom we could show visitors relevant offers on our websites using Software as a Service, we found trbo and have had consistently positive experiences with it. We have received a tool that is specifically tailored to Telekom's needs and can be adapted quickly and in a solution-oriented manner as trbo's requirements change. If you have a problem, trbo support is always available to help you quickly and competently.
Frank Benner Business Epic Owner for Campaign Automation Business Epic Owner für Kampagnenautomatisierung

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Let's get personal

Start delivering memorable, 1:1 experiences that keep your customers coming back.

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