2021 trbo Style – We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


It seems as if the year has come to an end faster than we can say trbo. Looking back on 2021, there were some challenges, but also many great events and accomplishments. Today we would like to reminisce with you and look back on what shaped our trbo-year 2021.


But before we start flipping through our memory album, we would first like to thank all our customers and partners. Without you, 2021 would not have been quite the trbo year it was!

Our trbo spring with numerous events and new employees

One thing that unfortunately didn’t change this year is the ongoing pandemic. Throughout the year there were ups and downs between restrictions and relaxations, home office and somewhat normal office routine. Right at the beginning of the year, we were happy to welcome two new trbos: Tim and Daniel


Unfortunately, we were still only able to experience the stage virtually at the beginning of 2021. However: we had events and exchanges! In February we kicked it off with the virtual eCommerce trade show Nexus. With your own avatar, you were able to stroll through the digital trade fair landscape, take a look at the virtual booths and make stops at stages with exciting presentations.


In March, we continued with a virtual event-triple consisting of speeches at Commerce Week, OMKB and SOM Switzerland. At the end of March, we had a deep dive into the optimization of the customer experience with our CEO Felix at the Digital Bash Extreme. April was also trbo-tastic: We were able to gain great reinforcements for our team with  Lucia and Kai, and we participated in two more exciting virtual events: The EHI Session Customer Experience and a webinar with our partner minubo and our customer SugarShape.

Happy Summer at trbo

Longing for the sun, but also for the office, we distracted ourselves with more digital events: Among others with the E-Commerce Berlin Virtual, a B2B Digital Lunchbreak, as co-presenter of the exciting Expert Lounge of our partner Overdose, a Digital Conference on Personalization, the Digital Fashion Week and finally the OMKB Summer Edition. In addition, we were pleased to welcome Olga and Thomas as further reinforcements four our tech team. 


At our annual summer party, things returned (partly) back to normal: We were finally able to meet in person again (vaccinated, recovered and tested, of course) – at our trbo-Trachtenfest! We welcomed some new faces in person and even continued our trbo-like staff growth after the party with our new trbos Olesja and Vanessa.

The year 2021 was also marked by volunteering: a trbo running challenge in favor of YoungWings and a breakfast bag packing campaign for families from the  Ronald McDonald Haus. Social commitment is very important to us as a company – in December we decorated hundreds of homemade cookies for distribution to the residents of the St. Willibrord retirement home in Schwabing.

Ignite the trbo – year-end spurt

Even as the summer slowly drew to a close, we kept up the same trbo pace. For refreshment, we couldn’t pass up the snacks in the office. Our HR team came up with a great idea: trbo snack happening, COVID-compliant, of course.

Fortunately, we also kept growing our trbo team. In October we welcomed Marco and Benedicte and shortly after Valentin, our third new employee that month. In terms of events, we didn’t let up either: In September we attended the CX1 World Conference of our partner zenloop. Here we were even able to take home an award: We are CX Enabler of the Year in the Personalization category


In October, we participated in the E-Commerce Experts Conference with a digital booth and speaking and – finally – attended a physical event again: the Heroes of CRM by our partner CrossEngage. With the E-Com Experience Summit hosted by our partner Findologic and the acquisa Digital Marketing Summit, we successfully ended our event-packed year. In November, we were even able to bring the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Award to Munich for the third time in a row. Our employee trbo is also running permanently: In December Benjamin Noah and Nargiza became part of the trbo team. 


The year 2021 had many ups and downs, but we still managed to accomplish a lot and win new employees, partners, and customers. Something we are very proud of in such an uncertain time. We would also like to thank you all for your trust and look forward to a trbotastic 2022! 


Your trbos

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